Saturday, 2 October 2010

Press Release

'Battleships & Kettle Chips' EP

The year is 2010. In a time of mass unemployment and civil unrest, Randolph’s Leap quietly go about releasing what is sure to go down in history as “an adequate 5-song EP”.

However, we must look back to the previous decade in order to fully understand the music you are about to hear. ‘Battleships & Kettle Chips’ was recorded in 2009 during a 6-day spell at Glasgow’s Green Door Studio with producer Sam Smith at the ‘helm’ (a clever Battleship reference there). The songs were recorded to tape, not due to a desire for a ‘vintage’ aesthetic but due to a complete lack of understanding of modern technology.

It must be noted that the band survived solely on supermarket meal deals for the duration of recording. This EP should therefore be considered a conceptual experiment created with the intention of exploring the complex correlation between performance and diet. As such, any unsatisfactory aspects found in the recordings (wrong notes, off-key vocals, tempo issues etc.) should be understood as unavoidable and crucial elements in said artistic experiment. It would be naïve for any journalist or critic to misconstrue these occurrences as anything other than beautiful and inherently meaningful accidents.

Randolph’s Leap are a 6-piece, Glasgow-based, super-hyphenated figment of your imagination. They regularly perform live, much to the delight and amazement of themselves.

‘Battleships & Kettle Chips’ is released through Olive Grove Records on November 15th. It will be available on download through all of the major download sites and on CD. A special limited edition super dooper CD will be also be on offer to ten lucky souls.

FUN FACT! The EP was almost called ‘While My Catarrh Gently Seeps’ due to the mild cold suffered by singer Adam during the recording process. However, this somewhat vulgar title was discarded following the threat of legal action from the Harrison estate.